100 Days Of Code - 2024 Web Development Bootcamp
Section 3
my-daily-challenge (basic webpage example) -
Section 4
html-and-css-basics-summary (basic webpage with a PDF) -
Section 7
travel-page (modern blogging page example) -
Section 8
responsive-web-design (desktop/mobile design with hamburger icon)Desktop Design: Horizontal display of food items.
Mobile Design: Vertical display of food items with a page hamburger icon. (Switches to mobile design at a width of 768 pixels or less.)
Note: Desktop mode may still only appear on some mobile devices. In a desktop browser drag the width of the browser to a smaller size for this simple design example. -
Section 9
web-design-adv-css (transitions & transformations)Hover over the card and it slowly transitions to a larger card. Hover over the button and it slowly transitions to blue.
Section 10
forms (basic form example) -
Section 14: Milestone Project
Tic-Tac-Toe Game